Healing Through Universal Life Force Energy
We are Cassie and Mona the founders of Dream Light Healing. We are best friends and Reiki Practitioners. We experienced a spiritual awakening several years ago and that propelled to a journey of self discovery. We both decided to learn Reiki to help heal ourselves and the world. We founded this practise because of the love we share and wish to spread to the world. We wish to open your hearts by channeling universal life force energy. We want to share our knowledge with you and guide you on your spiritual path.
Mona's Story
As far as I can remember, my dreams have always carried significance. They weren't just random images; they were messages, symbols, and guidance that seemed to reveal deeper layers of my subconscious mind. I knew there was something more beyond the physical world, and I felt a calling to explore this unseen realm. As I continued my spiritual journey, I discovered Reiki, and everything seemed to align perfectly. Reiki felt like the natural path for me to explore—an avenue for connecting with healing energy, deepening my consciousness, and offering guidance and healing to others.
Something extraordinary happened when I first started Reiki. I stepped into a place that transcended time and space, accessing a higher plane of existence where energy flowed freely. I felt fully aligned with the Oneness of all. This experience solidified my belief that Reiki is more than just a healing practice; it's a pathway to spiritual awakening and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.
Throughout my journey, I've always been driven by a desire for spiritual growth, not just for myself, but for others too. I want to help people discover who they truly are, beyond the surface, to connect with their inner light, and to understand their true purpose in life. Becoming a Reiki practitioner has allowed me to share this journey of self-discovery and healing with others, and every step along the way has been a reminder that we all have the power to heal and transform our lives.
Cassie's Story
I have always felt connected to the spiritual realm, questioning where we came from and why we are here. My connection to God is where I sought comfort in a life riddled with chaos. As a child, I used to walk home from school, surrounded by nature I would speak to God. I felt deep sense of connection to everything and the presence of God. Seeking God saved my life, allowing me to remember the purpose of this existence. There is only one purpose, and that is LOVE.
In 2018, I had a spiritual awakening. A voice told me to meditate, and I listened. I was relentless in my meditation and meditated for hours nonstop. One day a miracle happened—a beam of white light hit my forehead, and I felt the love of God, oneness, and connection to everything. That light showed me the future; I saw images where I was working with people, healing them and helping them connect to God.
The stillness allowed me to hear the voice of God. I continue to hear this voice, and I continue to be guided by Spirit. This guidance has led me to Reiki. Reiki allows me to channel the divine energy of God to help heal others and myself. Ultimately, my wish is to have you remember who you really are—the perfect divine being of love

Experience love and energy through our transformative healing sessions.